Buy Life Extension Skin Restoring Phytoceramides with Lipowheat

06/07/2014 23:50

Skin dryness

Dry skin also known as xerosis is a skin condition which can affect people of all ages. Its effects are enhanced as we grow older. Skin seems to be dehydrated, peeled, irritated and scratched. Along with this wrinkles, age lines and other conditions cause your skin to degrade and you lose the glow you once had. Modern research has shown that low level of ceramides cause skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis along with dryness and pre mature aging.


Lipid layer

Ceramides are basic constituents of the upper layer of our skin. They are naturally occurring fatty acids which play an important role in maintaining healthy skin. Ceramides are essential to maintain moisture and reduce effects of aging. As time passes by, these ceramides are degraded and their levels in our skin decreases. Ceramides cannot be stored in your body hence they have to be ingested. So natural supplements which contained ceramides were needed and research showed that oil obtained from a variety of plants had the same ceramides as the ones present in our skin.



These ceramides which were obtained from plants were known as phytoceramides.  A number of plants such as sweet potato, corn etc were tested on and it was found that wheat was an extremely beneficial source of phytoceramides. It was easily available and lipowheat supplement was obtained after careful processing of wheat and extracting its oil.

Buy Garcinia cambogia online have been used in Japan and various parts of south east Asia for a number of years. Studies completed at Institute of Generam Medicinal Sciences showed that phytoceramides were an effective source of ceramides and showed results in just over 3 weeks of regular usage.



Lipowheat capsules by Healthbodyincconsist of an oral formula designed to provide you the essential dose of phytoceramides needed to maintain healthy glowing skin. Regular usage of lipowheat had amazing effects such as:

•             Natural face lift:

The phytoceramides act as a natural face lift. This is extremely cost and time effective. Its usage will hide your age, help remove wrinkles and create a natural glow which we lose with age.

•             Healthy skin:

With the ceramide level in your skin back to normal, your skin can easily absorb and hold moisture with no external help. This creates soft beautiful skin, removing the rough texture and look which has been caused by environment and decreasing ceramide level.

•             Antioxidant:

The special formula combines phytoceramides with vitamins thus helping you maintain a level of anti oxidants in your body. It adds various vitamins such as A, C, D and E which minimize the damage done on your skin by Harmful radiations and external conditions. This helps you fight skin degradation inside out.


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